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What is chairman?

Definition of chairman noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary the person in charge of a meeting, who tells people when they can speak, etc. Sir Herbert took it upon himself to act as chairman. The motion was carried on the casting vote of the chairman.

What is the difference between chairman and chairwoman?

someone employed to carry or wheel a person in a chair. , chair·maned or chair·manned, chair·man·ing or chair·man·ning. to act as or be chairman of (a meeting, committee, etc.). Chairman can seem inappropriate when applied to a woman, while chairwoman can be offensive.

What is the difference between a chairperson and a chairman?

Although chairman can refer to a person of either sex, chairperson or chair is often preferred to avoid giving the idea the person is necessarily male. "Chairperson (usage note)". Retrieved 2019-05-20. Chairperson has, since the 1960s, come to be used widely as an alternative to either chairman or chairwoman.

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